En la región de Kirovograd, Ucrania, una mujer se abre camino a través de la nieve con leña para calentar su casa. Ucrania es un país exportador
de electricidad y este área está abastecida con gas; sin embargo, esas fuentes de energía son demasiado caras para la gente rural más humilde.
In the Kirovograd region of Ukraine, a woman treads through the snow with an armful of gathered brushwood that will help heat her home. Ukraine
is a net exporter of electricity and this area is powered by gas, nevertheless the energy resources are not available to the poorest rural population.
de electricidad y este área está abastecida con gas; sin embargo, esas fuentes de energía son demasiado caras para la gente rural más humilde.
In the Kirovograd region of Ukraine, a woman treads through the snow with an armful of gathered brushwood that will help heat her home. Ukraine
is a net exporter of electricity and this area is powered by gas, nevertheless the energy resources are not available to the poorest rural population.
Fotografía: Vitaliy Popkov (Syngenta Photography Awards 2013)